Goodbye Pin Oak 2014

April 01, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Yes, once again we say goodbye to the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show.

This year, instead of working for one individual competitor as it is often the case, I had the opportunity to spend some time second shooting several classes for Shawn McMillen Photography. It has been an interesting and fun experience - I am actually starting to like these second shooting jobs, and may try to pick up more of those in the months to come.

Please support this horse show all year long by becoming a member of the Pin Oak Club: they really go above and beyond to provide support to Texas Children's Hospital. You can learn more about the show and what Pin Oak does for Texas at

And of course, we will be back next week for Spring Gathering - so if you are at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center, stop by the ringside and say hello!

With gratitude,









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